Public Health Passenger Locator Form

Before you travel to or through the UK, you must complete this form. Read about the new UK border rules and check if you are exempt.

If you are only travelling within the UK or the Common Travel Area you do not need to complete a PLF.

You will have to declare if you are completing this form as the passenger, or as a representative of the passenger, acting on their behalf.

We will use the information you provide to contact you if a passenger on your flight, ship or train tests positive for a reported infectious disease.

If any of your information changes once you have submitted your details, such as travel details, or contact information, you must complete a new form.

You can save your information and complete it later. If you are inactive for 25 minutes, you will be automatically signed out. If you do not return to this form within 7 days, your information will be deleted.

The information you provide will be used by the Home Office and UK Public Health organisations, as described in the privacy policy.

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